Telcel enhances messaging solutions with Tiaxa

Mexico’s Telcel, Latin America’s largest mobile operator, enhances its corporate mesasging and mobile marketing solutions with Tiaxa, providing access to 60 million users through its network to thousands of its corporate clients.

Tiaxa offsets its 2012 Carbon footprint

Tiaxa renews its commitment with the environment by offsetting its carbon footprint for 2011 by planting 500 native species trees in Patagonia, in partnership with Patagonia Sur.

Movistar Argentina and Mexico choose Tiaxa charging Solutions

Tiaxa was selected to implement its GateKeeper Premium VAS rating and charging platform for Movistar Argentina, and its GateKeeper XBI data rating and charging solution for Movistar Mexico. These two operations thus join Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Uruguay, which all...