Frontier invests in Tiaxa

Tiaxa completes a new round of investment from Accion’s US-based Frontier Investments Group. The proceeds will be used for new product development for mobile financial services as well as international business development.

Tiaxa spins-off Interactive unit as Mob.ID

Due to the success Tiaxa’s Interactive business unit has had, providing innovative mobile services to corporations in Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico and Spain, it has been spun-off as a stand-alone company, Mobile Ideas, or Mob.ID.

Telcel enhances messaging solutions with Tiaxa

Mexico’s Telcel, Latin America’s largest mobile operator, enhances its corporate mesasging and mobile marketing solutions with Tiaxa, providing access to 60 million users through its network to thousands of its corporate clients.

Tiaxa offsets its 2012 Carbon footprint

Tiaxa renews its commitment with the environment by offsetting its carbon footprint for 2011 by planting 500 native species trees in Patagonia, in partnership with Patagonia Sur.